Monday, February 23, 2009

st. aquina's proof...worst or best???

St. Thomas Aquinas has five proofs in total, but i believe that the fourth way is the best. This is about the argument from degrees and perfection. Here, he makes thee point that we say that one thing is beautiful and another is ugly. We know what is ugly and beautiful because we compare it to that perfect, beautiful thing. Aquinas concluded that for any quality there must be a perfect standard that all qualties should be compared to. This is very true because to know is something is beautiful or ugly, we need to compare it to something that is perfect. Like if we were to say that a vase is beautiful, we need to know a perfect vase so we can be able to compare it to that perfect. This is how we know what certain qualities are. Comparing qualtites to a perfect thing/person is how we know if things are beautiful, ugly, smelly, small, tall, or any other quality. In other words, this proof is the best because its the most true!!!!

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