Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bacon's four idols!!

Bacon came up with four idols. These idols were Idols of the Tribe, Idols of the Cave, Idols of the Market Place, and Idols of the Theatre. Bacon argued that idolatry is a sin and it must be rejected. So Bacon used the arguments and the the language of the church against it. Idols of the Tribe is the bias of human beings to jump to conclusions bason on what is new or strange rather than investing time to understand what is true. Basically its about human beings judgong something because its new or different. We dont know how to react so we just jump to conclusions. Idols of the Cave is creating individual biases through the educational system. Next is Idol of the Market Place, which is the language created to share knowledge locks us into specific ways of knowing. Last is Idols of the Theatre which is the Christian West has given reverence to four or five Greek scholars and has ignored any other understanding of the world. So Bacon uses the argument of the church against it by claiming the Christian philosophy had engaged in four forms of idolatry.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy's little girl (Galileo's daughter!)

Galileo's daughter was a very big part of her father's life. She helped him in many ways and i bet he is very grateful and proud of her. First, Maria took care of Galileo when he was sick. He was vey ill and she helped him get through it. She did the laundry, cooking, cleaning, and just helped him around the house. Maria was a great asset to Galileo's life, especially with his writing. Maria helped Galileo by editing his book, The Dialogo. She was the editor and she put the book together. So she helped him alot. Also, when Galileo was punished for writing his book, Maria helped him out. Galileo had to pray everyday, many times. So to help him out, she prayed for him in her own house. By doing this for her father, it gave Galileo more time to work on his physics. This extra time gave him the ability to work on his writings and his science. Thanks to Maria, Newton was able to use Galileo's physics.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

St. Augustine connects with the Gothic Church!

St. Augustine was a philosopher who had a great impact on the visions of God and our souls. He wanted to find a spiritual life but he always struggled. St. Augustine found his answers in the Chrstian faith, so he converted to Christianity. He was influenced by Plotinus, which created a new Late Middle Ages Neoplatonism. The idea was that our body is the agent and the prison of the soul. So our body is bad!! This also led to believing that this physical world wasn't so bad, so we can acutally start getting used to it and perceive this physical world as beautiful. Also, Neoplatonism shows that anything that reflects God isn't so bad, this meant that light was good--more windows. The Gothic Church was different than the Romanesque Church because of its pointy arches, light, and the many windows. The Gothic Churches brought in more light because the windows were big and there were alot of them. The light represented God and that is what they wanted. Like how St. Augustine believed, the physical/outside world wasn't so bad. In addition to this, the Gothic church represented that by starting to be beautiful on the outside. There were more windows, which made it more beautiful. These churches didn't look like fortresses anymore. They were begininning to be beautiful!

Monday, February 23, 2009

st. aquina's proof...worst or best???

St. Thomas Aquinas has five proofs in total, but i believe that the fourth way is the best. This is about the argument from degrees and perfection. Here, he makes thee point that we say that one thing is beautiful and another is ugly. We know what is ugly and beautiful because we compare it to that perfect, beautiful thing. Aquinas concluded that for any quality there must be a perfect standard that all qualties should be compared to. This is very true because to know is something is beautiful or ugly, we need to compare it to something that is perfect. Like if we were to say that a vase is beautiful, we need to know a perfect vase so we can be able to compare it to that perfect. This is how we know what certain qualities are. Comparing qualtites to a perfect thing/person is how we know if things are beautiful, ugly, smelly, small, tall, or any other quality. In other words, this proof is the best because its the most true!!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

hitler...the meanie!!!

When we were reading from Hitler's book, we came across many fallacies. One of the many fallacies was when Hitler said that we can't see what is right in front of us, but he can. This is an ad hominem fallacy. An ad hominem is when there is an argument against the man/woman. Here, Hitler is making an argument against us being ignorant and basically saying that he is not ignorant and he can see everything. That is absolutely NOT true! Hitler totally didn't see that the people he was killing were innocent. He didn't care about who they were, he only cared about their religion, sexuality, and whether or not they were "crippled" or not. He totally missed what was right in front of him and HE is the ignorant one here, not us. Who is he to say who is ignorant or not?!

Monday, February 16, 2009

intelligent design vs. evolution

we have been taught that evolution was the way how we all evolved to how we are now, but now there are people contradicting it by saying that intelligent design is the way to go. intelligent design is where God created the world, which is in the bible. so now its a battle between science and faith/religion. well i believe that its a little bit of both. i think that science is based off of what is in the bible. not everything from the bible is correct, but its not all wrong either. science would practically be nothing if we didnt have the creation topics in the bible. i do believe evolution is true but i also think intelligent design is too. those who have a lot of faith in God/bible will go for the intelligent design but those who are more scientific will go for evolution. i go for both

Thursday, February 12, 2009

affirmative action?????

i still do believe that we need affirmative action. there are people who dont have the opportunities to go to a good college to achieve their dreams. helping those, of need, financially can help them to better their future and give them more opportunities to pursue their dreams. like in the declaration of independence, they said every person was given the PURSUIT of happines. they didnt guarantee them happiness, just the chance to be happy. this is also applies to helping the minorities because they just give them the extra push, whether its financially or some way else, that they need but its up them if they succeed or not. the minorites are given the CHANCE to go to a good college but its up to them whether or not they take that chance and make the best out of it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

syllogisms, modus ponens, modus tollens

Syllogisms, Modus Ponens, and Modus Tollens are different than each other. syllogisms have have three statments that contain two terms in each statement. the middle term is repeated. (A=B, B=C, A=C) with a syllogism, the statement goes from being general to being specific. it contains a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. even though modus ponens and modus tollens are similar, they are also different. the main difference between a modus ponen and a modus tollen is that ponen is positive and tollen is negative. for modus ponens, the formula is...
if p, then q
therefore, q

but for modus tollens, the formula is...
if p, then q
not q
therefore, not p
an example of this would be...
if i live in california, then i live in the united states.
if i dont live in the united states, then i dont live in california.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

look look

this is my first blog!!! woo hoo!!!!